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Some shells fell on the gates and board, only wrecked pound ringing. If at any time there may be broke as shells. Ming army 's artillery weapons are generally used when the defenders, no one thought would use it to siege, naturally, did not think too Zuo Liangyu, artillery also be so used. Zuo Liangyu think of it, his army also has a dozen guns, busy: ray ban sunglasses uk were startled with what ? Let burberry tie 's artillery it? Come move faster, but also play ray bans outlet Yeah ? In fact, not Zuo Liangyu said that the soldiers would have to move up, so to speak Zuo Liangyu oakley juliet effort to carry through to the four artillery shells as well as gunpowder, but left the military are basically small artillery.

The soldiers are busy divvying up of these four guns on the wall bracket is good,ray bans outlet, then filled ammunition hectic for a while, be considered ready, and then the ignition launch. Just listen to boom - boom - boom - a few sounds, it has launched four artillery pieces, Zuo Liangyu lying on the city battlements looked outside, waiting for the shells fell businesses army positions, the heart is a little peace of mind a little, finally can fight back a little longer. But after four bombs have fallen, there are only three played more than a hundred steps, still far away from the merchants army positions, although there are a hit a little farther, but only hit four hundred fifty paces on the ground bounce a few times, and forward channeling Ji Shibu eventually stopped, but also poor Gunners trenches positions with two thirty steps away.

